Campus- $20,000

We have been blessed with an amazing property for our girls and their babies. Our beautiful campus is in a very safe location and we love it! As you know owning a home requires maintenance and we have 4 homes on our campus. Now that we are full and using the campus 24/7 we need repairs and updates. The entire campus needs painted inside and out and the kitchens need to be upgraded for commercial use. Larger refrigerators, freezers and ovens. Plumbing and electric issues are almost monthly therefore we need some minor upgrades. We would like to remodel one flat into our computer lab, library, school room and private counseling area. Would you help us continue to manage it well by helping with the needed updates? Thank you for considering to partner with us.

Van- $50,000

We will need to purchase a larger vehicle that can handle all the car seats, babies and mommas. Currently we are using one car and the Zambian Uber service, Yango, to fit everyone when we need transportation. God has blessed us with growing pains, and we need safe transport for our girls and babies to and from their doctors appointments, educational field trips, enrichment outings, church, grocery shopping, etc… As you can imagine we want safe transport for our kids as well as a vehicle that is reliable and a good investment.